Why Our Shoe Sizing Algorithm Needs Your Help


Why Our Shoe Sizing Algorithm Needs Your Help

At Weitblick.ai, we are dedicated to ensuring you get the perfect fit for your shoes. We’ve developed an app that measures the size of your feet and recommends shoe sizes based on that data. However, we understand that our current shoe sizing matching isn’t as accurate as we would like it to be. Here’s why that is and how you can help us improve.

The Current Challenge

Our current shoe sizing algorithm is based on size charts that we sourced from various shoe brands. These charts provide a standard guide for matching foot length to shoe size. While this is a good starting point, it’s far from perfect. The main issue lies in the fact that these charts often overlook a crucial aspect of foot measurement: width.

Why Width Matters

Foot width plays a significant role in finding the right shoe size. Even if the length of a shoe is correct, an incorrect width can lead to discomfort and poor fit. For instance, a shoe that is too narrow can cause pain and restrict movement, while a shoe that is too wide can result in a lack of support and stability. Thus, considering both the length and width of your feet is essential to find the best-fitting shoe.

The Limitations of Current Size Charts

Most size charts available from brands primarily focus on length, making generalized recommendations that don’t account for individual variations in foot width. This one-size-fits-all approach can lead to mismatched shoe sizes, leaving many customers with ill-fitting shoes.

How You Can Help Us Improve

We believe that the best way to enhance our shoe sizing algorithm is through your feedback. By sharing your experiences with the shoes you’ve purchased—specifically the sizes that fit you best—you can help us fine-tune our recommendations. Here’s how you can contribute:

  1. Measure Your Feet with our App: Use our GetYourSize app to measure your feet width and length
  2. Share Your Perfect Fit: Tell us about the shoe brands and sizes that fit you perfectly. Your measurement results will be used as well.
  3. Provide Feedback on Our Recommendations: Let us know if the sizes we recommend are accurate or if they need adjustment.
  4. Report Any Issues: If you encounter any problems with the fit of your shoes, please inform us so we can understand and address the issue.

Our Commitment to You

Your feedback is invaluable to us. It will help us refine our algorithm to consider both foot length and width, ensuring that our recommendations are as accurate as possible. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with the most comfortable and well-fitting shoes, tailored to your unique foot dimensions.

Thank you for your support and understanding as we work to improve our app. Together, we can achieve the perfect fit for everyone.

Your Weitblick.ai Team


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